XIQS Get USSD Credit Check String

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XIQS Get USSD Credit Check String - Price Plan Management

getXIQSUSSDCreditCheckString ( String ussdmodel , String peakexpression , String offpeakexpression , String bonusexpression , String smspeakexpression , String smsoffpeakexpression , String smsbonusexpression , String ussdstring , [String ussdstring2] , [String ussdstring3] , [String ussdstring4] , [String ussdstring5] , [String ussdstring6] , [String ussdstring7] , [String ussdstring8] , [String ussdstring9] , [String ussdstring10] )
Get Ussd String match. allow to test parsing for credit check string. Parse formula for each SMS are specified as individual lines separated by end lines ('\n')

String ussdmodel

Message Returned for Valid USSD/SMS; Specify the template(s) that describes the USSD/SMS string sent by the operator. If more than one model is specified, each model must be separated by an end of line ('\n').
The goal of the string format is to identify several variables into the USSD/SMS string.
'*' - Star can be used to bypass several characters, until the characters that follow the star was found.
'$' - Dollar sign is used to identify a part of the USSD string in which the variables can be found. A zone that contains variables is enclosed into two characters $.
'#i' - variable; 10 integer variables can be defined: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10.
'<>' - Each variable definition is enclosed into a starting < and ending >.
'=' - Variable assignment as follow #i= ‘Expression’
‘Expression’ is a string that contain * to identify the variable value and some characters that specify where to find the values.
For example *hh specify that the value of the variable is the integer value that is just before text "hh".
If expression is not found then the variable value is 0.
Example: *credit is $<#1=*h><#2=*m><#3=*s>$

String peakexpression

Specify how to compute Call Credit Peak (in seconds) from the variables; Enter an expression that use the variables (#1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10) and operators ( + - * / ). Expression value is rounded to integer.
Example: #1 * 3600 + #2 * 60 + #3

String offpeakexpression

Specify how to compute Call Credit Off Peak (in seconds) from the variables; Format is the same as for the previous parameter.

String bonusexpression

Specify how to compute Call Credit Bonus (in seconds) from the variables; Format is the same as for the previous parameter.

String smspeakexpression

Specify how to compute SMS Credit Peak; Format is the same as for the previous parameter.

String smsoffpeakexpression

Specify how to compute SMS Credit Off Peak; Format is the same as for the previous parameter.

String smsbonusexpression

Specify how to compute SMS Credit Bonus; Format is the same as for the previous parameter.

String ussdstring1

Valid sample of USSD/SMS returned message.

[String ussdstring2]

Valid sample of USSD/SMS returned message.

[String ussdstring3]

Valid sample of USSD/SMS returned message.

[String ussdstring4]

Valid sample of USSD/SMS returned message.

[String ussdstring5]

Valid sample of USSD/SMS returned message.

[String ussdstring6]

Valid sample of USSD/SMS returned message.

[String ussdstring7]

Valid sample of USSD/SMS returned message.

[String ussdstring8]

Valid sample of USSD/SMS returned message.

[String ussdstring9]

Valid sample of USSD/SMS returned message.

[String ussdstring10]

Valid sample of USSD/SMS returned message.
Return Values

String ussdresponse

Result string

[String ussdresponse2]

Result string

[String ussdresponse3]

Result string

[String ussdresponse4]

Result string

[String ussdresponse5]

Result string

[String ussdresponse6]

Result string

[String ussdresponse7]

Result string

[String ussdresponse8]

Result string

[String ussdresponse9]

Result string

[String ussdresponse10]

Result string

Error Data structure ( Error Management )

Possible failure code returns
See Also









Personal tools
XIQS XML Protocol
XIQS Framework Libraries
XIQS Command List